工作内容:1. Characterize cell degradation and failure modes through electrochemical and physical charac-terization techniques (non-destructive and destructive test methods)2. Dissect and harvest cell’s components (electrodes, electrolyte and separator …) and investi-gate their degradation mechanisms and failures modes using different electrochemical tech-niques and analytical instruments3. Perform dQdV,dVdQ analysis4. Model thermal behaviour of the cell and pack and their effect on battery cell lifetime5. Design of experiment to validate/calibrate models at cell/pack levels6. Drive the decision for cell’s selection (chemistry and design) and system design based on modeling and test results7. Lead the development and optimization of advanced battery performance/reliability numerical analysis methods and prediction models, advanced electrochemical simulation models.8. Promote the application of models on the ground and provide simulation analysis support for projects.9. Lead the development and optimization of reliability models, from mechanism analysis, model construction, model validation to closed-loop development of model optimization.
任职要求:1. MS or PhD required in Materials Science, Electrochemistry, Electronic Information Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, and other related majors. 2. Experience in battery simulation and material calculation, familiar with major battery calcula-tion software, such as COMSOL Multiphysics, MatLab, Material Studio, VASP, Gaussian, or some open source battery computing package (batts3D, PyBaMM), publicly published papers in re-lated directions preferred.3. Strong understanding of electrochemistry and thermal behaviour of lithium ion cells4. Deep knowledge of using dQdV, dVdQ to identify degradation/failure mode of lithium ion cells5. Strong understanding of cell’s components and their interactions inside the cell6. Experience with Python and MATLAB/Simulink7. Problem solving skills, ability to think outside the box8. Desire to work in a fast-paced environment9. Work well with data analysis team, use data analytic tools or machine learning tools to train the model